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Journal of Nutraceuticals and Health


About the Journal

Journal of Nutraceuticals and Health is a peer-reviewed, open-access, quarterly journal publishing the latest findings in the field of nutraceuticals and health. The journal also includes studies on safety and efficacy, potential use in disease prevention and management, and their impact on public health. The journal strictly follows a double-blind peer review policy for an unbiased review process while ensuring a responsible and ethical environment.

We accept original papers, review articles, short communications, editorials, narratives, case reports, and letters to the editor.

Subject: Biological sciences in general

Frequency of publication: Quarterly

Language: English

Starting year: 2023

Format of publication: Online

Aims and Scope


Our scope comprises a wide range of topics within the field of nutraceuticals, including but not limited to:

  • Traditional and non-traditional nutraceuticals in healthcare
  • medical and nutritious food in managing health conditions
  • Safety and efficacy of nutritional supplements
  • Dietary supplement usage
  • Functional food in disease prevention
  • Veterinary nutraceuticals
  • Nutraceutical innovations in animal nutrition
  • Market trends in the veterinary nutraceutical sector

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