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Journal of Nutraceuticals and Health



right arrow  Prof.Giustino Varrassi
President, Research on Pain Medicine Department, Paolo Procacci Foundation
Email: g.varrassi@fondazioneprocacci.org


right arrow  Dr.Halit Tanju Besler
Professor, Health Sciences/Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Istanbul Aydin University
Email: halittanjubesler@aydin.edu.tr
right arrow  Dr.Sahar Al-Okbi
Professor, Nutrition and Food Sciences Department, National Research Centre
Email: sy.mohamed@nrc.sci.eg
right arrow  Dr.Masuelli Martin Albert
Researcher, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy Department, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research
Email: masuelli@unsl.edu.ar
right arrow  Dr.Eva Adel Edward Farid
Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology Department, Alexandria University
Email: eve.farid@alexu.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Rosaria Acquaviva
Associate Professor, Drug and Health Sciences Department, University of Catania
Email: racquavi@unict.it
right arrow  Dr.Ranga Rao Ambati
Associate Professor, Biotechnology Department, Vignan`s Foundation for Science, Technology, and Research (Deemed to be University)
Email: drarr_bt@vignan.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Rania Ibrahim Mohammad Almoselhy
Associate Professor, Food Science and Technology Department, Food Technology Research Institute
Email: raniaalmoselhy@arc.sci.eg
right arrow  Dr.Edwin Chow Pei Yong
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Food Science & Technology Department, National University of Singapore
Email: fstcpy@nus.edu.sg
right arrow  Dr.Netravati Hiremath
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research
Email: netravatih@jssuni.edu.in
right arrow  Dr.Mohsen Masoodi
Associate Professor, Gastroenterology Department, Iran University
Email: Masoodi.m@iums.ac.ir
right arrow  Dr.Pharkphoom Panichayupakaranant
Associate Professor, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany Department, Prince of Songkla University
Email: pharkphoom.p@psu.ac.th
right arrow  Dr.Gökcen DoÄŸan
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Lokman Hekim University
Email: gokcen.dogan@lokmanhekim.edu.tr
right arrow  Dr.Shao-Wen Hung
Researcher, Veterinary Medicine Department, National Chung Hsing University
Email: 1032169@mail.atri.org.tw
right arrow  Dr.Mondher Mejri
Professor, Food science and Technology Department, University of Jendouba
Email: Mejri.Mondher@u-jendouba.tn
right arrow  Dr.Tao Huang
Associate Professor, Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences Department, Ningbo University
Email: huangtao@nbu.edu.cn
right arrow  Dr.Mario Alberto Luiz Lopez
Professor Researcher, Botany and Zoology Department, University of Guadalajara
Email: mruiz@cucba.udg.mx
right arrow  Prof.Zhiling Yu
Professor, School of Chinese Medicine Department, Hong Kong Baptist University
Email: zlyu@hkbu.edu.hk
right arrow  Dr.Shashi Bhushan
Senior Principal Scientist, Biotechnology Department, CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
Email: sbhushan@ihbt.res.in
right arrow  Dr.Rafael Audino Zambelli
Assistant Professor, Food Engineering Department, Universidade Federal do Ceará
Email: zambelli@ufc.br
right arrow  Dr. Mohamed Ashraf
Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Egyptian Russian University
Email: mohamed.ashraf@eru.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Kumar Venkitanarayanan
Associate Dean, Animal Science Department, University of Connecticut
Email: kumar.venkitanarayanan@uconn.edu
right arrow  Dr.Rabia Alghazeer
Professor, Biochemistry Department, University of Tripoli
Email: R.Alghazeer@uot.edu.ly
right arrow  Dr.Patricia Vit
Professor, Food Science Department, Universidad de Los Andes
Email: vit@ula.ve
right arrow  Dr.Shanti Bhushan Mishra
Professor, Pharmacognosy Department, United Institute of Pharmacy
Email: shantibhushanmishra@united.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Divya Pathak
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Department, Sunrise University
Email: divya_pharma@iimtindia.net
right arrow  Dr.Mohamed Aboufaras
Prominent researcher, Epidemiology, life and Health sciences Department, Ibn Tofail University
Email: mohamed.aboufaras@uit.ac.ma
right arrow  Dr.Janne Rojas
Professor, Research Institute Department, University of Los Andes
Email: janner@ula.ve
right arrow  Dr.Vignesh Arumugam
Assistant Professor, Botany Department, NGM College
Email: arumugamvignesh@ngmc.org
right arrow  Dr.Arun Kumar Gupta
Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology Department, Graphic Era (Deemed to Be University)
Email: arungupta.ls@geu.ac.in
right arrow  Prof.Giustino Varrassi
President, Research on Pain Medicine Department, Paolo Procacci Foundation
Email: g.varrassi@fondazioneprocacci.org
right arrow  Dr.Alan David Kaye
Professor, Anesthesiology Department, Louisiana State University School of Medicine
Email: alan.kaye@lsuhs.edu
right arrow  Dr.Nasir Mukhtar
Associate Professor (Poultry Nutrition and Microbiome), Livestock Production & Management Department, PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Email: nmukhtar@uaar.edu.pk
right arrow  Dr.Durgesh Ranjan Kar
Professor, Pharmacology Department, BCDA College of Pharmacy and Technology
Email: bcda_principal@yahoo.co.in
right arrow  Dr.Mukul Kumar
Assistant Professor, Food Technology and Nutrition Department, Lovely Professional University
Email: mukul.25090@lpu.co.in
right arrow  Dr.Piyush Kashyap
Assistant Professor, Food Technology and Nutrition Department, Lovely Professional University
Email: piyush.27419@lpu.co.in
right arrow  Dr.Prashant Tiwari
Associate Professor, Pharmacology Department, Dayananda Sagar University
Email: prashanttiwari-sps@dsu.edu.in
right arrow  Dr.Ming Yang
Associate Director & Professor, Center of Gerontology and Geriatrics Department, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatrics
Email: yangmier@scu.edu.cn
right arrow  Dr.Sevde Kahraman
Lecturer, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Biruni University
Email: skahraman@biruni.edu.tr
right arrow  Dr.Christopher M. Myers
Researcher, Exercise, Sport and Health Education Department, Radford University
Email: cmm13c@my.fsu.edu

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